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Soteria Group Fights School Violence At
The 10th Annual National School Safety Conference
July 27 – 31, 2015 The “M” Resort, Las Vegas Nevada

Albuquerque, NM, July 27, 2015— Soteria Group takes on campus violence and leads the fight for safety this week at the 10th Annual National School Safety Conference. Soteria Group is “Safety By Design,” integrating expertise in law enforcement, architecture and environmental design, and communication strategies to protect students, staff and administration throughout the country.

Soteria Group, founded in 2014, works with its clients to approach the inevitability of on-campus violence such as active shooter events, street crime, workplace violence and acts of terrorism, with proactive planning, preparedness and environmental appropriateness.

The experts of Soteria Group bring first hand experience of what happens when schools are underprepared for the unthinkable onslaught of violence and terror.

At this year’s National School Safety Conference, Soteria Group is represented in Las Vegas, Nevada by Richard H. Price, Principal, Senior Analyst, CPTED CPD and Paul Feist, Principal, Senior Analyst, CPTED CPD. Located at booth 147, Soteria Group will offer a drawing for a free analysis of a winner’s emergency response plan.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to exhibit and discuss Soteria Group’s expertise in minimizing opportunities for violence, shootings and crisis in schools,” says Price. “The conference puts us in touch with the decision makers who have the ability and influence to make the important decisions that provide environments to keep our kids safe so they can focus on learning and growing.”

Price’s experience in investigating major cases including the Columbine High School incident, terrorist acts such as the Pentagon/Twin Towers bombings and the Oklahoma City bombing adds a sober element of reality to Soteria Group’s analytics and strategies.

Feist, a former Deputy Chief Police for the Albuquerque, New Mexico Police Department, focuses his expertise on establishing best practice protocols, and support technology. Feist has served as an Executive Board Member of the New Mexico High Intensity Drug Trafficking Administration and the Drug Enforcement Advisory Council.

Soteria Group’s participation in this year’s National School Safety Conference amplify the awareness of their unique solution to safety. Soteria Group believes that with training and onsite safety we can stem the tide of increased crime and violence on our school campuses.

About Soteria Group
Soteria Group, launched in the spring of 2015 in Albuquerque, NM, to help schools and businesses be better prepared to prevent or mitigate on-site crime, from cyber-bulling to live shooter incidents. Find Soteria Group at Contact Soteria Group at

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