New Years Resolutions for Workplace Security

A new year is a great opportunity for workplaces to improve their emergency plans, perform security upgrades and engage in maintenance management of their entire facility. As part of our mission to reduce your risk of workplace violence, we at the Soteria Group believe that now is the prime time for necessary workplace safety and security upgrades including: Have …

No Workplace is Safe Now

The past two weeks have shown that no workplace is safe from horrific workplace violence. Some workplaces know they are targets. Planned Parenthood, churches, government buildings, banks, temples and mosques all need to design their workplaces with an eye toward thwarting an attack using the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). The massacre …

Clery Campus Crime Reports Expose Major School Violence Vulnerabilities

“It is shocking how many campuses have left themselves vulnerable to school violence, such as an active shooter,” says Richard H. Price Principal, Senior Analyst, CPTED CPD with Soteria Group, Safety by Design, who served 21 years as an FBI Special Agent. “Of all the campuses we’ve analyzed, NONE are doing everything they should to …

Here’s the Workplace Violence and Active Shooter Legislation We Need to Enact Yesterday!

Last week’s campus violence included two college campus stabbings (in New Jersey and California) and social media threat by Fresno State student to start shooting people Monday at 3:00 with his M4 carbine. Fortunately the student who confessed to making those threats was arrested. Countless acts of workplace violence, especially toward healthcare workers, never made …

Healthcare Workers Are At the Top of the List When It Comes To Being Victims of Workplace Violence. What You Can Do to Protect Them.

Across the nation, healthcare workers are seeing an increase in workplace violence, and are calling for training standards at the federal, state, and local levels. Administrators in healthcare facilities need to start providing workplace violence training now, before they find themselves on the losing side of a liability lawsuit. According to United States Department of …

Active Shooters: How a Free Service Can Start Protecting Campuses Now

This morning a Tennessee campus shooting left one student dead.  It’s just another school day in America. “Every week at schools across America, guns are being brought to school or someone is planning to do so,” says Richard H. Price Principal, Senior Analyst, CPTED CPD with Soteria Group, Safety by Design, who served 21 years …

Active Shooter Risk and Response Training Offered

This morning Northern Arizona University had a fatal campus shooting. This shooting outside a dorm left one dead and three injured. One week to the day after the Umpqua campus shooting rampage in Roseburg, Oregon, it’s just another school day in America. “Every week at schools across America, guns are being brought to school or …

How to Survive The Next Campus Shooting: Should Students Bring Their Own Body Bags To School?

If that title offends you, it should. It is a horror that a campus shooting rampage killed 10+ students and injured 10+ at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon today. Sadly, in America, it is just another Thursday. Mass shootings are becoming commonplace. So are campus shootings. People shrug saying that there was nothing that …

Urgent Safety Issues School Business Officials Need to Know Now

At this week’s New Mexico Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) Conference, school business officials will learn how to assess their schools for high lethality events through planning and prevention followed by target hardening as a physical means of protection utilizing CPTED Principles. “We will show school officials how to incorporate safety by identifying and …

School Hostage Crisis Tips

School violence started before Labor Day. Already in August we’ve seen teachers and students in a West Virginia school taken hostage by a 14-year-old with a handgun. At Philip Barbour High School in Philippi, West Virginia, the standoff stretched through several tense hours, until the attacker finally allowed his hostages to be released. He later …