Urgent Safety Issues School Business Officials Need to Know Now

At this week’s New Mexico Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) Conference, school business officials will learn how to assess their schools for high lethality events through planning and prevention followed by target hardening as a physical means of protection utilizing CPTED Principles. “We will show school officials how to incorporate safety by identifying and …

Free money: Are you missing out on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) funding?

Across the nation businesses are getting state and federal money to improve their businesses to minimize the risk of workplace crime and violence. The Soteria Group was founded on the principal of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Our approach addresses human behavior as impacted by the physical environment. Environmental design through infrastructure and landscape …

Required Reading: Sandy Hook School Safety Final Report

If  you care about school safety as much as we do,  the Sandy Hook Shooting Advisory Commission’s final report (PDF) on the December 2012 school shooting should be required reading. The report covers a lot of ground from mental health to reasonable gun control policies but our primary mission here is school safety and here the report had …