Your school’s sextortion problem is worse than you think.

Sexting and sextorition is school violence that usually blindsides school officials, as a recent Oregon case showed. In Oregon, Clatskanie school officials settled a $2.5 million Title IX federal lawsuit that accused them of failing to protect several middle school girls from lurid sexual extortion and bullying by male students. The district also paid $75,000 …

30 Summer School Security Upgrade Tips. #9 Could Save Lives.

Summer is a great opportunity for school districts to improve their emergency plans, perform security upgrades and engage in maintenance management of their entire facility. As part of our mission to reduce your risk of school violence, we at the Soteria Group believe that the summer months (while the students are away) is the prime …

Free money: Are you missing out on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) funding?

Across the nation businesses are getting state and federal money to improve their businesses to minimize the risk of workplace crime and violence. The Soteria Group was founded on the principal of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Our approach addresses human behavior as impacted by the physical environment. Environmental design through infrastructure and landscape …

Are you ready for the next National Gun Violence Awareness Day?

The countdown clock has started. You have under one year to tell the world how you’re going to prevent gun-related school and workplace violence. Last week saw celebrities, politicians and even major sports teams dress in orange to support National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  This is the first in what organizers hope will be an …

Which job was victim to a nearly double increase in workplace violence?

From 2012 to 2014, workplace violence injury rates increased for all healthcare job classifications and nearly doubled for nurse assistants and nurses, according to data from the Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN). The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently updated its workplace violence prevention guidelines for the health care and social services industry. …

The Latest Active Shooter: It Takes A Village

One of this week’s active shooter incidents, the one outside Pittsburgh PA, brought up a safety design feature that most businesses don’t ever consider. When it comes to tackling workplace violence, most businesses believe that they have to go it alone. This is wrong. It takes a village to provide real security. Here’s a quick …

Do female-dominated workplaces attract violence?

Active shooter incidents at schools, healthcare offices and other workplaces that are dominated by women get the headlines but there is a range of workplace violence that affects women. According the AFL-CIO: In 2000, 13,935 women had injuries or illnesses involving days away from work that resulted from assaults and violent acts (Bureau of Labor …

Holding Out For A Hero Can Be Deadly

This week we look at the heroic actions of school teacher Brady Olson of North Thurston High School in Lacey, Wash., about 60 miles southwest of Seattle. According to reports, “the popular teacher is being hailed as a hero after tackling a 16-year-old student who fired two shots into the air. No one was injured …

VIDEO: Are Active Shooter Drills Traumatic or Necessary? Both.

Recently one Missouri school conducted a very realistic active shooter drill.  The impact on the kids was a little surprising as you can see in the video below. (Trigger warning: some of the images you see in the simulation may be disturbing to some people.) Some question whether such drills are an unnecessary overreaction to school violence …

Does Your Workplace Emergency Crisis Plan include a Medical Threat Assessment?

Trauma is an injury caused by an external force applied to the body. Violent acts such as shootings or stabbings are unfortunately common in our world today and are common mechanisms of injury. Major trauma to our bodies is life-threatening or potentially life-threatening if not addressed immediately by adequately and properly trained personnel from the …